Archives For taking

Confessions of a Taker

smgianotti  —  April 7, 2015

Recently, I drove my slow-leaking front tire over to Discount Tires. Twenty minutes later I drove off with one construction nail less, one patch more, and a receipt for $0.00.


I love free things.


Rsz laura merchant foot washing 

Photo courtesy of Laura Merchant via

I love the free advice Michael Hyatt gives on his blog—the app recommendations and statistics for why I should nap more. I love that a stranger with silver whiskers, staying in the campsite next to us, overheard our Coleman troubles and lent us his stove to cook our gumbo. I love that once when I ran an hour behind, bogged down by EKGs and sending patients to the hospital, my boss added my next patient to her schedule. 


Nothing perks me up like something free.


Let me clarify. Nothing perks me up like getting something free. 

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